Welcome to the Camden Rockport Schools where we appreciate and welcome parent and community involvement in the education of our students. Individuals interested in volunteering need only fill out one application, regardless of the number of students in the family, or which of the three schools they attend.
Prospective volunteers must complete and sign the Volunteer Application Form and Confidentiality Agreement. Criminal Background checks will be performed on all volunteer applicants. Any information obtained through this form and background checks will remain strictly confidential.
Each school manages placement of volunteers. The supervising staff member is responsible for giving volunteers a clear understanding of the duties, procedures, and expectations necessary to perform their assignments. Volunteers will never be alone with students. Any exceptions to this guideline will be made by the building Principals, who will inform the Central Office. Fingerprints are required in those situations prior to volunteering.
Because we are responsible for student safety and need to take a conservative approach, our district will deny volunteer applications for the following reasons:
- Any conviction within the past 2 years other than minor traffic violations.
- Any conviction that involves a minor within the past 10 years.
- Two or more convictions within the past 10 years.
- Any assault or sexual misconduct against a minor.
- Administrator discretion.
Any applicant who is denied may appeal the denial through a meeting with the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent. If a unique situation exists, approval may be reconsidered.
Important Details:
- Each spring we will send out an email to all CRES and CRMS families with instructions on how to volunteer for the coming school year.
- Individuals who wish to renew their volunteer status are required to complete a new Volunteer Application.
- We run background checks on all volunteer applicants.
- If you have been approved to volunteer in our schools during any given year and are convicted with a crime that same year, it is your responsibility to inform the school district immediately.
Download Volunteer Application Form
Download Volunteer Handbook